What would be in your ideal AQC package?

By | 18th February 2018

CSols will be giving a workshop at the forthcoming Agilent Food & Water at Twickenham between February 27th – March 1st 2018. The event itself will include a full agenda of topical subjects from a range of guest speakers, as well as a variety of workshops and is a premier event for Scientists, Laboratory Managers and employees in the water, food and environmental sectors.

The CSols workshop will help you find out how different laboratories are addressing the increasing administration burden of handling AQC data capture and charting with examples of common issues and their diagnosis. The workshop will also discuss industry specific requirements, the possible impact of legislation and the revised ISO17025 standard and how uncertainty of measurement might be routinely applied to all test methods.
Event details:
February 27th until March 1st – Twickenham Event

Please click on the link above to check out the agenda, workshops, venue and joining instructions. Please register via the event web site, we hope you will be able to make it along.  If you have any questions beforehand about CSols or our AqcTools or other laboratory software please click on the link, call us directly on 01928 513535 or email us on sales@csols.com mentioning the workshop.

Best regards
Kevin Jones
Sales Manager