Extended Links for LIMS ‘Redo’ dilution handling feature

By | 26th February 2014

It’s a common enough occurrence in routine analysis, a sample is too concentrated so the measured result(s) are outside of the instrument method’s dynamic range.  So you dilute the sample, but how much by? 5x 10x 20x? You are sure that the dilution would normally be 5x but you don’t want the result to pass to LIMS at this time until the new sample is processed in the next instrument run.

In the past Links for LIMS supported analysts with over-range results by providing a repeat analysis or ‘Redo’ feature. This has allowed analysts to mark one or more samples for dilution and reanalysis in the next run. However the dilution factor offered was fixed to specific values. This feature has now been extended with more flexibility.

Now an analyst can configure a Links for LIMS method with the following range of rules to cover a wider range of scenarios:

a) New Dilution Factor
Calculate a redilution factor for any repeat sample that works by examining the current dilution factor and using the next value up/down, in a set list of dilution factors if already diluted or look at the magnitude of the result to determine the required new dilution factor.

b) Insufficient sample
In the event that there is not sufficient sample remaining for a new diluted sample the existing result can be overridden. In order to activate the dilution rule it is also possible to use this feature to add an initial qualitative result.

c) LIMS upload options
If the sample result is > Method Upper Detection Limit (ULOD) it is now possible to configure whether the result can be passed to LIMS. This gives laboratories the flexibility to mark over-range results for transfer to LIMS or for hold and perform dilution and reanalysis.

If the sample result is < Method Lower Detection Limit (LLOD) and has been diluted it is also possible to configure the method to send or stop LIMS transfer.

In both scenarios, no longer do you have to fill LIMS with sample results that are not complete and ready for reporting.

In summary more options to assist analysts with routine decision making to save time and effort.

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